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Using Property Profile Attributes blog by Senior Home Exchange

Using Property Profile Attributes.

When you first create (list) your first Property (you can create up to two Property Profiles) you should complete as many attributes as applicable.

The following Property Attributes are shown on your Public Profile.

  • Uploaded Property Images – The images you have uploaded.
  • Property Location Details – Country, Region, State/Province & Metro Area (if applicable).
  • Home Attribute Details – These include Home type, # of Floors, # of Bedrooms & # of Bathrooms
  • Property Description – The Description you provided for your Property.
  • Special Considerations – Pets Allowed or Smoking Allowed.
  • Home Amenities – Transportation, Entertainment, Living & Miscellaneous.

Completing these details make it easier for other Members to Explore (search) and find your Property listing. For more details and information check our website's other blogs.

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