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Special Considerations are tied to personal preference issues?

For now, Special Considerations revolve around pet ownership and smoking preferences. These are very important issues, and they are very personal.

For now, Special Considerations revolve around pet ownership and smoking preferences.

These are very important issues, and they are very personal.

Regarding pet ownership, some members have pet allergies or prefer not to have pets in their homes. Other members have pets and want to include them in their house swap. Whatever you situation and position, you will want to be clear on your stance as it regards pets.

Smoking is usually a health or personal preference matter. Some members do not allow smoking. Some have health related issues that preclude them from being exposed to secondhand smoke.

Whether it be pet issues or smoking preferences, selecting the appropriate Special Considerations can go a long way to allowing other members who have likeminded preferences to find you and pursue a potential exchange.

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