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It is important you Communicate with your Exchange Partners during your Exchange.

It is important you Communicate with your Exchange Partners during your Exchange.

Whether you choose to keep in contact via text, a phone call or Skype/Zoom calls depends on several factors.

Why and under what circumstances do you need to communicate?

If you are just letting them know you’ve arrived and all is well, a text message will suffice.

If you are wanting to touch base on an issue that has come up or you are uncertain on how to operate something (that is not included in the Home Exchange Binder) you may want to text or email to schedule a call, whether by phone, Skype or Zoom.

If it is an emergency, you will certainly want to call as soon as possible. If you are unable to connect, you may want to send a text asking your Exchange Partner to return your call at their earliest convenience. Depending upon the emergency, you may want to give them an idea of the issue in the text.

If your Exchange is more than a week, you should consider a regularly scheduled meeting each week. Of course, flexibility is important when it comes to adjusting scheduled calls to accommodate both Exchange Partners.

Communicate with your Exchange Partner. It will bring comfort and peace during your Exchange stay.